TRAUMA – What’s Up

What is it Trauma and Trauma Informed Care?

Experiencing a trauma can absolutely change the way a person sees and interacts with the world.

Whether trauma is caused by a single event such as a natural
disaster, or by repeated or prolonged exposure to abuse, an
individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are filtered through
their experience and perspective.

Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer term responses include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.

Trauma-Informed Care
A framework of thinking and interventions that are directed by a thorough understanding of the profound neurological, biological, psychological, and social effects trauma has on an individual—recognizing that person’s constant interdependent needs for safety, connections, and ways to manage
emotions/impulses. (

Why Does It Hurt So Much?

Types of Trauma

  • Bullying
  • Community Violence
  • Complex Trauma
  • Disasters
  • Early Childhood Trauma
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Medical Trauma
  • Physical Sexual Abuse, etc… (Source NCTSN – The National Traumatic Stress Network)

Why did it happen to me?

It is important to learn how to avoid re-traumatization:

  1. Learn as much as you can
  2. Grow your skill of attunement.
  3. Look for the causes of behaviors.
  4. Use person-centered, strength based
    thinking and language.
  5. Provide consistency, predictability,
    and choice-making opportunities.
  6. Always weigh the physiological,
    psychological, and social risks of
    any physical interventions.
  7. Debrief.
    Prioritize debriefing after any crisis.

Children of War

Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness, Social Imbalance…